Woke up this morning - first morning in Chile. Undeserved
generosity, grace gifts from God. The answer to my "Why?" lies not in
ME, but in YOU: My loving, generous, gracious, "Because I love you!"
Gift-Giver! But that leads me to more "whys" ... why are you so good
and generous and loving and gracious and forgiving and merciful and
patient and unconditional? Why? The answer I hear in my ear: "Just
because, that's Who I AM!"
The Great I AM , JUST IS!
Jan. 30, 2012; Santiago
You are my everything. I am/have nothing without You. You are my
hope for love, acceptance, peace, security, restoration ... second,
third, fourth and fifth chances; for starting over and anew with each
new day. You are my hope for and the fulfillment of being understood;
for being known, truly known, without preconceived notions or
misinterpreted perspectives ... free of error; Being cherished, accepted
and loved in spite of the truth. In You I find freedom ... rest for my
soul ... absence of striving ... safety and security ... assurance for
tomorrow. Help me, teach me, show me HOW to live in each moment with
You. I need to! I want to! Not a moment is worth living if you aren't
with me, in me; working through me, in spite of me. I love You! I
need You!
When you are in the midst of a forest, all you can see is what is
right in front of you; what scares you, troubles you, challenges you.
But, when you are out of the forest, looking back at it from a distance,
you can see the beautiful patchwork creation of God; the beauty, the
awesomeness, the grandeur ... the Glory of God! I must learn, when I am
IN the forest, to look UP and AROUND and SEE THE GLORY! If I can't see
the beauty of the forest for the trees, at least I can KNOW that is IS
there and that I will soon be out of it and able to look back at it and
see the beauty; the Glory of God!
Feb. 7, 2012; Futaleufu
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic and glorious is your name in ALL the
earth! You have set your glory on the heavens. When I view and
consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which you have ordained and established, What is man that you are
mindful of him and that you care for him? O Lord, our Lord, How
excellent, majestic and glorious is your name in all the earth! (from
Psalm 8)
Feb. 13,2012; Chile Chico
(Note: When we arrived to Chile Chico that afternoon the sun was
glistening on the lake making brilliant shades of blue and green shine
through. The next morning when I went out to sit by the lake,
everything was dark and dull; it looked like a totally different place
without the sun shining on it!)
Even your beautiful creation depends on You to make it shine. The
clear blue waters of Lake General Carrera aren't clear blue this
morning. Your sun isn't yet shining on it to make it shine brilliant.
The beauty of the rocks are dull without your sun!
Without Jesus shining on me, any beauty He has made in me will not be
evident to anyone else. Jesus is my LIGHT source! Jesus is my LIFE
source! Without Him it all dulls and wanes and fades.
Feb. 15, 2012; Frutillar
(Hosea 3:1)
In spite of our unfaithfulness, lack of faith, belief, trust;
inconsistencies, selfishness, pride, etc .. HOW HE LOVES US! How HE
LOVES ME! ... in spite of it all! Undeserved, unmerited, unconditional
love and grace and mercy and forgiveness and restoration.
Feb. 26, 2012; Back home in Cartagena
I am learning that friendship and intimacy with God doesn't come
easy. I have to want it bad enough to fight for it. Not because God
plays hard-to-get; but because I am so easily distracted by everything
around me and am so quick to forfeit what I most need and what I most
value for what I want in the moment ... the fleeting moments. We
criticize Esau for selling his birthright for a bowl of stew. But don't
we do the same thing every day? We trade time with God for what our
flesh most wants ... to veg out, to watch TV, to surf the net, to play
mindless games, to socialize. We are no different.
Surrender [to God] and win ... Die [to self] and live!
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