Monday, July 29, 2013


As human beings we all have at least one thing in common.  It doesn't matter if we are male or female, rich or poor, highly educated or not, no matter our religion, whether we have chosen a gay or straight lifestyle, however we earn a living, whatever nationality we are or what language we speak, whether we are world travelers or have never left our home town.  We all have this nasty habit of judging and comparing.

We judge the people around us and we judge ourselves.  We even judge God.  We compare ourselves to others and we compare others to ourselves.

What would this world be like if we just stopped judging?  Judgementalness keeps us bound up in knots of resentfulness, self-righteousness, pride, and ungratefulness.

But what if we chose to give all that up to God?  Our opinions, our perspectives, our conclusions, our solutions, our judgements... to Him.  What if we declared a mutiny against judgementalness and refused to fall in it's trap?

As Christians, we are not supposed to judge.  But sadly, I think we are some of the worst offenders!  What if we started a new habit where every time we felt the temptation, the urge, the inclination to judge, we immediately look heavenward and humble our hearts, repent of our desire to judge, submit our judgements, opinions, and assumptions to God and acknowledge, declare, and affirm His love and concern and knowledge and full understanding of the person and the situation?  Then we release our judgements to Him and we let Him free our hearts and minds of them ... and we "let" Him take care of things how He sees fit.

And instead of comparing ourselves to anyone else, we only compare ourselves to Christ.  Use Him as our model, our gague, our example.  And we leave everyone else to do the same.  We put our trust in Him.

We trust Him to bring justice and to work in other's lives and circumstances with grace and mercy, just like we want Him to do for us.  We trust that He is in control and that he has enough love to go around for us all and that He knows and sees and understands what we do not.

We trust and entrust everything and everyone to Him!

And we rest!