On the surface the waters look like a pool of calm. But underneath the waters are swirling and churning and sucking me under. I am kicking and screaming and flailing my arms.
I am fighting that devil who delights in my anxiety and worry and fear and doubt and disbelief and envy and jealousy and mistrust and hurt.
Not only will I not go down without a fight but I WILL NOT GO DOWN! PERIOD! I will take these thoughts captive! I will sentence these emotions and feelings to death!
Every day, every moment, they creep up on me, trying to take root when I am distracted or off guard. But their very shadow - just the hint of their presence - throws on the alarm! BRR! BRR! BRR! BRR! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Something is wrong! Intruders have breached the walls of my heart and mind! DEFENSE!! OFFENSE!! FIGHT THEM OFF!! I refuse to listen to you! You are only here to kill and destroy me! I will not give you ground to walk on!
My heart is safe and my mind is sound! God is my Keeper and I answer to Him! I believe You, Jesus! I believe You live and reign! I believe in Your love; in Your sacrifice! I believe You have set me free!
I will not be taken prisoner again by these peons whose sole intent is to drag me down and hold me under.
I have been freed by the Lover of My Soul! I am free to forgive! Free to trust! Free to rest my mind! Free to extend grace! Free to overlook offenses! Free to believe! Free to give the benefit of the doubt! I am free to be innocent and clean and naive and pure in heart! I am free to accept whatever the Lord allows to cross my path and take it in stride, knowing there is purpose. I am free to be loved and accepted and cherished by Him. And I am fee to love and accept and cherish those around me!
Because of Him, I am free! Because of Him, I am able! Because of Him, my life can be different: worry-free, anxiety-free, fear-free, hate-free, judgement-free, doubt-free, care-free.
I don't have to worry about someone doing me wrong or cheating me or lying to me or stabbing me in the back or trying to take advantage of me. Each one will answer to God and reap the consequences of wrong. I have to answer for and suffer the consequences of my own wrongs.
So, stay humble; be gracious; choose to love and forgive and believe. Trust God with the past, the present and the future!
Trust Him! Rest in Him! Obey Him! Do things His way! Accept His gifts and promises! Take a deep breath. Exhale. and remember, the ending of this story is already written!
“Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the
outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great
― Smith Wigglesworth
― Smith Wigglesworth
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (ASV)
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;